Our Goal: To bring the absolute land speed record back to the United States after a 39 year absence.
Our objectives on the Absolute Land Speed Record Project are:
- To obtain sufficient funding for an attempt at the absolute land speed record.
- To create a new interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
- To create a project requiring research and technology while simultaneously providing the means to enable United States Air Force Academy Cadets, Purdue University Students and others to participate.
- To achieve the first 800 mph land speed record. The United Kingdom has held the last three records of 633 mph, 714 mph and the current record of 763 mph.
- To generate substantial and lasting media exposure for sponsors.
With this in mind, it gives us the opportunity to create a new hope that the United States can still be a player in the world of absolute land speed records.
What is a land speed record?
The land speed record (or absolute land speed record) is the highest speed achieved by a wheeled vehicle on land. The record is standardized as the speed over a course of a surveyed one-mile timed mile, averaged over two runs (commonly called "passes"). Two runs are required in opposite directions within one hour. Authority for validation of the land speed record will be the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA).
Dry lake venues:

Project Blackbird
The courses we will test and attempt a land speed record are at Alvord Desert in Oregon, Diamond Valley in Nevada and others. Courses have to be sufficient length to accelerate the car to speed and most importantly to decelerate safely.
The Car:
Construction: Hybrid Carbon, Aluminum and Docol R8 High Strength Steel
Engine: Two ZERO EMISSIONS Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Rocket-Green engines
With its simple packaging, low drag coefficient and excellent power-to-weight ratio, it has the potential to set the new absolute land speed record.
The car and its components are tested using computational fluid dynamics and finite element analysis prior to the actual test driving of the car. The car is then test driven in gradual stages up to the record speed. Car and driver will have the latest FIA and SFI approved safety equipment.
The Team:

Bill Marquardt – Driver, has an extensive background in motorsports and has provided driver training and vehicle development for several automobile manufacturers. He has served on the technical inspection committee for Championship Auto Racing Teams; Bill also had the same position in Sports Car Club of America and National Auto Sport Association. He is an active driver with 98 road racing victories and several track records. Bill competed in NASCAR Grand-Am Series and has a National Auto Sports Association competition license. He also has a DOT-FAA private pilot license.

Ray Dausman – Rocket Specialist co-designed the Absolute Land Speed World Record "Blue Flame" Rocket Engine. Owner of R J Dausman Technical Services, Inc. and Fellow, The Explorers Club.

Darren Grove – Aeronautical Engineer.Darren Grove Aeronautical Engineer. Darren Grove Aeronautical Engineer.

Mark Grubelich – Retired as a Distinguished R&D engineer from Sandia National Laboratories. Mark does consulting in Mechanical, Aerospace and Explosives Engineering.

Nathan Marks – Engineering Consultant & Public Relations, Army 2LT Nathan K. Marks, is a Mechanical Engineer with extensive experience in the aerospace sector. Being involved with NASA LUCY Mission, while being a member of the prestigious Explorers Club.

Scott Meyer – Rocket Specialist, Mechanical Engineer and Managing Director Maurice J. Zucrow Laboratories Purdue University.

Scott Parazynski – Astronaut (ret.) United States Astronaut Hall of Fame inductee — Human Factors Design Engineer, the only person to have flown in space and summited Mt. Everest, physician and pilot.

Jojo Sayson – Human Performance Consultant, Scientist/Co-Investigator NASA IVD Team for the International Space Station, President, Project Michelangelo Foundation and Fellow National, The Explorers Club.

Carson Slabaugh – Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Purdue University. Expertise: Propulsion and Combustion.

Waldo Stakes – Land Speed Record Specialist involved in 39 Land Speed Records. Waldo Stakes - Land Speed Record Specialist

Mark Ventura – Owner of Ventura Energy Systems, LLC. Mark Ventura - Owner of Ventura Energy Systems, LLC.
Purdue Design and Advisory Team:
- Rafael Annunziato – Undergraduate student, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Fluids team
- Jan Balk – Master's student, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Aerodynamics
- Charlie Black – Master's student, Aerospace and Astronautical Engineering, Propulsion team
- Eric Johnson – Master's student, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Fluids systems and ground support
- David Nartker – Master's student, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Business Administration, Team lead and instrumentation.
- Samuel Olson – Master's student, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chassis team.
- Justin Ordonez – Master's student, Engineering Management, Chassis team
- Joey Prom – Master's student, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Instrumentation and simulation.
- Chase Trautman – Master's student, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Fluids system and ground support
- Noah Yudewitz – Master's student, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Propulsion team

World speed record consultants:
- Eric Ahlstrom
- Louise Noeth
- Purdue University – School of Mechanical Engineering
- United States Air Force Academy – Mechanical Engineering
Special thanks to:
- Ron Ayers - R.I.P.
- Craig Breedlove - R.I.P.
- Richard Fellman - R.I.P.
- Andy Green
- Richard Noble
- Stuart Radnofsky
- Dave Royce
- Robin Sipe
- Goodyear Tire
- S&S Turbine Services LTD.
This quote puts this project in perspective:
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out where the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with dust and sweat and blood. At best, he knows the triumph of high achievement; if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.
— Theodore Roosevelt.
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities:
Contact Bill Marquardt for sponsorship.
Blackbird STEM
Help Blackbird STEM Reclaim Speed Record (gofundme.com)
Blackbird STEM Education, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students from several institutions such as Purdue University-Purdue Propulsion, Florida State University, the University of West Florida, and the United States Air Force Academy. Our mission is to aid these talented individuals in their ambitious project to design and construct a cutting-edge vehicle powered by hydrogen peroxide.
This special purpose vehicle is not just a technological marvel but a key contender in the race to reclaim the Absolute Land Speed Record for the United States. By pushing the boundaries of engineering and innovation, these students are working to achieve what has not been accomplished in decades.
We invite you to visit our GoFundMe page to learn more about this exciting endeavor and contribute to their groundbreaking efforts. Your support will play a crucial role in helping these students realize their goal and advance the future of high-speed vehicle technology. Click here to visit our GoFundMe page to help these students achieve their goal!
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